Friday, July 31, 2009

Wrangling with the Widows

I had a sudden burst of energy yesterday and decided to clean off the back porch. Here's what I found:

Can you just feel her staring at you? Maybe it's because she has a guilty conscience. About what you ask? Well, maybe it's because of THIS! (See below)

What's that you ask? That, my dear, is the carnage of the "man" she destroyed in order to satisfy her reproductive urges. How do I know this? I know because of THIS! (see below)

The evidence is plain as the egg sac in the box. So brazen in her evilness, she doesn't even try to hide the remnants of the last victim before luring the next. But never fear, Mighty Mom is here! I captured the villainous beast and her bag of minions. I fixed her little red hourglass, that's for sure. (Actually, Jason fixed it because he is brave, and me not so much.) Much to my dismay, I discovered that my plans* for the babybag were foiled while I was away teaching cake decorating.

The little minions tried to break free, but luckily I thought ahead and put a lid on the container. Mwahhahahaaaa. See the golden orb in the background? That was their base of evil. Another disaster diverted. All is well at the KraussHauss once again.

*The plan for the egg sac was to take it to work and look at it under the scope before they hatched.

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