Friday, June 26, 2009

The Virtual Philanthropist

I've done it again. I have fallen prey to the time warp of computer games. I have been known to periodically immerse myself in puzzle games, card games, adventure games, Wii, various video games, and of course the Sims - with little benefit to myself or others except that I have been entertained. I've justified the puzzle game play with Alzheimer's prevention and the Wii is justified by mild to moderate physical exercise. But the others? Hmm. Still working on that.

These phases are usually short lived, as life calls me back to duty on a regular basis.

Most recently, I have been enjoying the endless game-play of Mafia Wars and the like. It very much reminds me of the never-ending Monopoly games that Laura and I used to play. I remember meticulously writing down our monies, properties, position on the board, etc. at the end of our visits. The next time we were together we would pull it all out and start where we left off. There was no competitiveness that I remember, we just enjoyed the time of playing the game together. We let fate fall with the dice, not taking it personal when it didn't go our way, ignoring some of the rules and making some of our own. We were free to take risks and not suffer any harm.

It's the same with these online war games. I can take the risks and not suffer any harm. I can ruthlessly go about robbing, cheating, plundering, speeding, and dealing drugs and the worst that will befall me is that I virtually die, or lose all of my virtual money. I can leave the game (after securing my assets) and come back later to see what happened to me while I was gone. It makes me smile when I go check on my properties and I haven't been robbed, or someone tried and failed. I feel powerful when someone attacks me and loses. I shrug when someone attacks me and I lose. When I see that I lost a fight and some money with it, I outsmart my attacker and deposit my money in the bank. Ha! Eat that! And, I feel bad when I accidentally sucker punch someone on my own team.

At first I thought I was just escaping my troubles, burying myself in the social networking platform that is Facebook. Busying my hand with the clicking of the mouse to accomplish missions and level-up, cyber-spying on my friends and family, and all the while mulling the issues around in my mind. It's slightly more productive than laying in bed crying. At least that is what I thought. But my early morning (before noon) epiphany has made me realize the value of social networking, games and applications.

The benefit that I discovered is that it is allowing me to indulge my philanthropist ideals while not having to (really) do a thing or risk anything. At a time in my life when I'm feeling like I have nothing left to give - I come up with the boxing ring that my capo needs to vault her collection. Glorious!

Here's a sample of one of my favorite do-gooder anthems: Enjoy

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Earned my stripes.

Check out the grey on me!

More salt than pepper I think. I'll be 35 in 2 weeks, I'm awful young to be so shiny up there, but I've earned every single one of those grey hairs.